8 Foods That Are Important for the Pancreas

Posted Posted in Food, General Health, Home Remedies

The pancreas is that organ that you never hear about until there is pain. It has both exocrine and endocrine functions. In its exocrine function, the pancreas contributes to digestion by releasing three digestive enzymes into the small intestines to digest proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In its endocrine function it regulates blood sugar levels by producing insulin which lowers blood sugar, and glucagon which raises blood sugar. Maintaining proper blood sugar levels is fundamental to overall health and the proper functioning of key organs like the brain, the liver, and the kidneys and this makes the pancreas a very vital organ.

Malfunctions of the pancreas lead to diabetes, pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. The causes of pancreas malfunction are not understood. However, it is known that by following a diet rich in certain foods you can keep the pancreas healthy and you can reduce the risks of cancer, inflammation, and infection. There are many foods that help maintain pancreatic health and below we discuss a few of them.

1. Garlic
Garlic is a great help for the pancreas because it reduces blood sugar levels and stimulates the pancreas to produce sufficient levels of insulin. Garlic contains oligosaccharides, arginine, sulfur, selenium, and flavonoids that have been found to prevent pancreatic cancer. Add garlic to your food, eat it raw or drink its tea.

2. Cedar Berries
Cedar berries provide powerful health promoting nutrients that are highly beneficial to the body. Both the seeds and the pods are known to improve pancreatic function. Cedar berries can regulate the normal function of the pancreas, which will stabilize blood sugar levels.


3. Lemons
Lemons encourage the release of various digestive juices from the pancreas.

4. Broccoli sprouts
Broccoli’s contains the flavonoid apigenin which protects pancreatic tissue. Broccoli sprouts contain 50 times more of the antioxidant sulforaphane than mature broccoli, according to research results that were presented at the Diet, Epigenetic Events and Cancer Prevention Symposium in 2007. Sulforaphane is a cancer-fighting, anti-inflammatory phytochemical that protects against pancreatic cancer. To receive all of the vital nutrients from broccoli, eat it raw or only lightly steamed because cooking damages most of the nutrients.

5. Golden Seal
Goldenseal is one of the most valued herbs known to man due to its therapeutic and medicinal benefits. It lowers blood sugar levels and stimulates the beta cells within the pancreas (good for diabetics). Because of its antibacterial, antiseptic, laxative, tonic, muscle stimulant, anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic properties, it supports the healthy function of the pancreas, the colon and spleen.

6. Liquorice Root
Liquorice root has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. It is known to be excellent for treating many pancreas problems. Scientific studies  have shown that it contains high levels of an anti-inflammatory compound that reduces pain and swelling that is associated with pancreatitis.

7. Oregano
Oregano’s contains rich phenolic antioxidants that are useful for pancreatic health. In a 2004 study of oregano’s anti-diabetic compounds, scientists at the University of Massachusetts found that oregano can inhibit porcine pancreatic amylase. These results support the traditional use of oregano as a powerful anti-hyperglycemic herb that can manage hyperglycemia and/or long term complications of diabetes.

8. Red Grapes
Red grapes are an excellent source of resveratrol, a beneficial antioxidant that reduces inflammation and induces cellular death (apoptosis) in pancreatic cancer cells. Resveratrol is a promising treatment for pancreatic cancer as shown by a study.

6 Foods that Are Important for Bladder Health

Posted Posted in Food, General Health, Home Remedies

The bladder is sometimes infected with symptoms like urgent need to urinate, frequent urination and burning during urination. Urinary tract infection (UTI) affects any part of the urinary tract but most commonly the bladder and the urethra. Women suffer from UTIs more often than men because their anatomy. Women’s urethra is shorter and it is adjacent to the anus and the vagina which increases the risk of transferring bacteria from those openings. UTIs require immediate medical attention because the infection can go up the system to infect the kidneys, which can damage the kidneys.

Bladder health means kidney health, so it is important to keep the bladder healthy. Below are foods that prevent or relieve bladder infections.

  1. Cranberries and Blueberries

Cranberries and blueberries promote a healthy environment for your bladder and may help relieve cystitis, as they contain a substance called hippuric acid. Cranberries have a higher content of hippuric acid than blueberries. This substance prevents bacteria that cause infection from sticking to the wall of the urinary tract.

Studies have confirmed the effectiveness of cranberries in the relief of UTIs. You can eat the berries as they are or buy cranberry juice or cranberry supplements in the health food store.


  1. Parsley

Parsley was used as a medicine for centuries before it was used for culinary purposes. It is used as a diuretic and antiseptic that controls various diseases such as urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and gallbladder stones. It basically works as an antibiotic alternative for urinary tract infections. Take it in a tea a tea or add it to dishes as you cook.

  1. Celery

Celery leaves and celery seeds have been used as herbal medicine for centuries because of their antibacterial effects. Celery prevents urinal tract infections, bladder disorders, kidney problems and possibly even cysts on reproductive organs. Eat celery either in juice form or in a salad or at a snack taken with a dip.

  1. Watermelon

When your body has become acidic burning urine, which includes urinary tract infection, can be recur, making life difficult. Eating watermelon will relieve your symptoms fast and prevent infections from returning. Experts in the use of water melon recommend a watermelon fast for a whole day, where you eat several cubes every fifteen minutes and drink lots of water. The watermelon fast brings relief for those who suffer from stones, kidney infections and urinary tract infections.


  1. Asparagus

Asparagus has been used in oriental medicine for a very long time. Its antibacterial properties have been confirmed by research. If you suffer from frequent UTIs, you may benefit from asparagus supplements or from eating more asparagus in your diet. Because of its antibacterial properties it reduces inflammation of the urinary tract and boosts the immune system. Herbal medicines are powerful so talk to your doctor before taking asparagus supplement in case they interfere with some of your medicines.

  1. Lemon

Sometimes burning urine is not caused by bacteria but by high acidity in the body which makes the urine acidic. Naturally acids burn and cause a lot of discomfort in the bladder. Lemons have an alkalizing effect on the body which also alkalizes the urine, reducing pain during urination till the UTI is completely treated. If your urinary tract infections are frequent then you suffer from high acidity in the body, a condition known as acidosis, which lowers immunity. Continued consumption of the lemon will reverse acidosis. You may want to have freshly squeezed lemon juice daily in your tea or water.

When you have a problem with to the bladder or kidneys, please consult your doctor for medical advice before you can use any home remedies or supplements.

5 Ingredients to Avoid on Nutritional Labels

Posted Posted in Food, General Health


It not advisable to buy processed foods if you are trying to improve your health. After processing a natural food beyond recognition, manufacturers add:

  • Artificial colorants.
  • Artificial preservatives.
  • Artificial sweeteners.
  • Appearance enhancers.
  • Artificial flavours.
  • Taste depressants.
  • Artificial vitamins and minerals.

Processed food is stuff that used to be real food, loaded with various chemicals that you are not meant to eat, that lasts forever on your pantry shelf or in your freezer and harms your health. Processed food is junk that is skilfully marketed to be tasty, fun, fast, convenient and even good for you. It is the ultimate convenient food and the ultimate poison. If you are on a quest for health, you are better off learning how to read food labels and avoiding certain chemicals. Here are the five most important chemicals to look for on nutritional labels.

1. Trans fats

Trans fats normally appear on labels as hydrogenated fats. They are formed when normal vegetable oil which is liquid at room temperature is changed in a manufacturing process called hydrogenation to form vegetable shortening and margarine. Trans fats are known to cause heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, weakened immune systems, reproductive problems, obesity, asthma, auto-immune disease, bone degeneration, and more! No matter how much a margarine is marketed as heart healthy, do not eat it because it is a trans fat, it is no longer natural and it is harmful. If a label says trans fats, don’t buy the item.

2. Aspartame

If you avoid sugar because of the risk of diabetes and weight gain and then use artificial sweeteners instead, you have just jumped from the pot into the fire! Aspartame was declined by the FDA for 16 year because of its effects on health. Ask yourself, why was it finally approved? Here is an extract from the report Escape the Aspartame Trap, by William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.

‘…For years, doctors and scientists have scratched their heads over the “mysterious” rise in neurological diseases. But there’s no mystery about it. Hundreds of diseases can be traced back to one root cause: aspartame. Over the years, various reports have implicated aspartame in headaches, memory loss, seizures, vision loss, coma, and cancer. It also appears to worsen or mimic the symptoms of such conditions as fibromyalgia, MS, lupus, ADD, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, chronic fatigue, and depression….’

Take heed and avoid aspartame. If the label says “no sugar added” but the item is sweet, then it contains aspartame. Look for aspartame on your sweet packaged food labels. It is present in your sugar-free gum, sugar free sodas, etc.

3. High Fructose Corn Syrup

High fructose corn syrup was first invented in the 1970s as a way to make money from the abundance of corn in the USA. It was and is marketed as a cheaper substitute for sugar. It is the number one source of calories in America that you can find in most processed foods, canned vegetables, bread, candy, flavored yogurt, salad dressings, breakfast cereals and sodas (1). As soon as high fructose corn syrup hit the market people started to put on weight and now obesity and diabetes are epidemic. Avoid anything that contains high fructose corn syrup.

4. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

MSG is an artificial flavorant that is used in the food industry to enhance the meaty, savory flavor of foods. You will find it in salad dressings, soups, snacks, frozen dinners and many restaurant foods. It overexcites your body cells to the point of damaging or killing them, triggering or aggravating disabilities, causing brain damage, obesity, headaches, eye damage, fatigue, depression, rapid heartbeat, tingling and numbness, to name just a few effects (2). If your savory food is processed look for MSG on food label. Avoid it!

5. Artificial Colorants

Color makes food attractive and influences people’s buying habits. Color is prevalent in candy and drinks that are consumed by children. Nine of the artificial food colorants that are approved by the American FDA are linked to health problems like cancer, hyperactivity and allergy-like reactions. The three most widely used food dyes, Red 40, Yellow 5, and Yellow 6, are contaminated with carcinogens. Red 3 has been acknowledged by the FDA for years be a carcinogen, yet is still used in food. One study found that the E-numbered food dyes are as harmful to children’s brains as lead in gasoline and they seriously reduce children’s IQ. If anything has bright unnatural colors, avoid it especially for children.


  1. Mercola, J., Top 10 Food Additives to Avoid, http://www.foodmatters.com/article/top-10-food-additives-to-avoid
  2. Dr. Mercola, MSG: Is This Silent Killer Lurking in Your Kitchen Cabinets? http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/04/21/msg-is-this-silent-killer-lurking-in-your-kitchen-cabinets.aspx