Why Cannabis and Hemp Have Many Health Benefits

Posted Posted in Natural remedies

Cannabis and hemp have many health benefits. How can these herbs treat a diversity of diseases such as cancer, Crohn’s disease, eczema, psoriasis, acne, chronic pain, epilepsy, insomnia, multiple sclerosis, depression, Alzheimer’s disease and many other conditions? How can these herbs treat both old and young people effectively? How can these plants provide both palliative and curative actions? How come they are so safe and yet so powerful and effective? Part of the answer lies in the 113 or more cannabinoids in these plants which have different effects on different body systems. Of these, cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) have been extensively studied. The other part of the answer lies in the system that the body has kept secret for a very long time, the endocannabinoid system (ECS).

The Endocannabinoid System

There has been a lot of research into the effectiveness of CBD oil, which has led to the legalization of cannabis and hemp for medicinal purposes. Legalization has led to even more interest in these plants and even more research. We are talking about an average of two scientific publications per day! As scientists set out to find out how these herbs can be so effective for a wide array of conditions, they were led to the discovery of the endogenous cannabinoid system (endocannabinoid system) in the human body in the 1990s.

11 body systems known by many

We are all aware of the circulatory, skeletal, muscular, nervous, respiratory, digestive, reproductive, urinal, endocrine, lymphatic and integumentary systems. Most of us are not aware of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) which was discovered recently by scientists working with cannabis and hemp. It is the ECS that works with cannabinoids to improve our health.

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) has now been labelled as the most important physiological system in the establishment and maintenance of health. It consists of:

  • Receptors in the brain, glands, organs, connective tissue and immune cells that respond pharmacologically to cannabinoids.
  • Endogenous cannabinoid compounds in the body (such as anandamide and 2AG) that bind to these receptors. They are synthesized when needed, have a local effect and a short half-life.

The ECS is a biochemical communication system which plays a critical role in regulating our moods, our physiology and our everyday experiences. The system is literally a bridge between body and mind! That probably explains why our states of mind affect our physical health. That also explains why cannabis and hemp affect various systems including the brain.

  1. The ECS’s main role is homeostasis, the maintenance of a stable internal environment despite changes in the external environment. Cannabinoids work in the body by promoting homeostasis. They operate at sub-cellular and organism levels and most likely at community level.
  2. In autophagy, a process in which cells separate part of their contents to be self-digested and recycled, cannabinoids keep normal cells alive. When the cells happen to be cancerous, they are consumed in the same way. Death of the cancer cells keeps the whole organism alive.
  3. On the site of an injury, cannabinoids minimize pain and damage by preventing excessive firing of nerve cells, reducing the release of activators and sensitizers from the injured tissue, and preventing release of pro-inflammatory substances by immune cells adjacent to the injury.
  4. Cannabinoids are anti-oxidants that neutralize harmful free radicals, preventing early aging, cancer and other diseases.
  5. Cannabinoids act on the ECS to influence our relationship with the external environment by promoting humor, sharing and creativity.
  6. At mental level, cannabinoids facilitate generation of neurons, neural plasticity (the ability of the brain to change) and learning, leading to open-mindedness and ability to rise above limiting thought patterns and behavior.
  7. Extensive pre-clinical research—mostly sponsored by the U.S. government—indicates that CBD has powerful neuroprotective, anti-tumoral, anti-spasmodic, anti-psychotic, and anti-convulsive properties.
  8. CBD directly activates serotonin receptors, reducing depression and anxiety.

These are just a few of the many ways that cannabinoids influence good health in our bodies and the brain through the ECS. It is quite possible that cannabis and hemp can be very useful for treating a wide variety of diseases and conditions, can contribute to preventative healthcare and support adaptation to our increasingly toxic and carcinogenic environment. One study found that THC and CBD work better when used together than when used separately. That means it may be beneficial to use the whole plant rather than to isolate single active cannabinoids.

As you can tell, cannabinoids in cannabis and hemp are chemical compounds that trigger cannabinoid receptors (and other receptors) in the body, bringing stability and balance, resulting in good health. The more than 113 cannabinoids in cannabis and hemp, and the endocannabinoids all play different roles in the body by stimulating the receptors in the body and the brain. While most indigenous tribes used these herbs for dozens of ailments, the scientific community still lags behind, having focused mostly on HTC and CBD. We should be thankful that more countries are legalizing the use of these herbs for medicinal purposes because soon scientists will be confirming more of the health benefits that the ancients already knew about.

Thomas Edison was quite right when he said in 1902, “There were never so many able, active minds at work on the problems of disease as now, and all their discoveries are tending toward the simple truth that you can’t improve on nature.” This statement is being proven to be true right now.

25 Health Benefits of Marijuana

Posted Posted in General Health, Home Remedies, Natural remedies

25 Health Benefits of Marijuana

Growing marijuana has been legalized in Zimbabwe and South Africa, my country of residence and my country of birth. People sigh and roll their eyes and wring their hands with worry, because this herb, that they believe is evil, is now going to be available in many gardens. Marijuana was first banned in the USA in 1937 and subsequently in many other countries. People never questioned why it was banned, yet they are questioning why it is being legalised. My mother-in-law is a traditional African healer and I am aware that she used this herb medicinally at one time. Still, the negative reaction to marijuana is understandable, considering that people used to get arrested for possession of the herb.

Marijuana has been cultivated and used medicinally for at least 6,000 years. In China, there is archaeological evidence that the Chinese cultivated and used hemp at least 10,000 years ago for cloth and medicine. The Ebers Papyrus, which dates back to 1550 BC, mentions marijuana as one of the medicinal herbs used in ancient Egypt (Kemet). Even the ancient Indus Valley, the rest of Africa and South America used it. Please do your own research and learn to question laws.

The Health Benefits of Marijuana

Cannabis has innumerable health benefits. Why was a herb that has hundreds of health benefits banned? My take is that it was banned to remove competition for patented drugs which bring in billions of dollars to pharmaceutical industry every year. Now that it is coming back, people are worried. I guess brainwashing is a powerful tool.

There is a huge difference between Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), two of the 104 cannabinoids found in cannabis so far. CBD is a non-psychoactive active ingredient found in hemp that has many medical benefits but will not produce a “high.” THC is the psychoactive compound found in marijuana that produces a “high”. The other cannabinoids all have health effects. Here are 25 benefits of marijuana.

  1. Relaxation

Marijuana relaxes people and makes them feel better. My colleague told me that after a heart break years ago, he could not sleep or function for a long time. His aunt gave him marijuana and told him to add it to cookies. He used it all in the cookies, ate them, and he slept for days. When he woke up he was surprised that he had slept for so long. He later discovered that he had put too much of the herb in the cookies. Luckily the overdose did not harm him.

2. Pain Relief and Anti-inflammatory Properties

Cannabis was used by doctors for pain relief until its banning in 1937. It is a natural analgesic that has no side effects and it should be recommended for people who suffer from chronic pain who do not like the effects of opioids. Studies have found it to be useful pain relief for people undergoing chemotherapy.

One study looked at the effects of CBD and THC in 177 people who suffered from cancer-related pain and could not get relief from pain medication. Those treated with an extract containing both CBD and THC experienced a significant reduction in pain compared to those who received only THC extract.

Other studies are looking at the role of cannabis in relieving symptoms caused by arthritis, chronic pain, MS pain and spinal cord injuries. The United Kingdom and Canada have approved the use of Nabiximols (Sativex), a pain killer for multiple sclerosis pain made from a combination of TCH and CBD. There is a general belief that a combination of cannabidiol and opioids is the breakthrough of the future in palliative care where chronic pain is involved. Use of marijuana may be the solution to the current 30,000 deaths per year from opioids.

  1. Cannabis Reduces Symptoms of Drug Withdrawal

CBD oil reduces or prevents drug withdrawal symptoms. One study found that CBD oil reduced some of the symptoms suffered by patients with substance abuse problems, such as mood swings, anxiety, pain and insomnia. More research is needed.

  1. Treatment of Epilepsy

Traditional African healers use marijuana to treat epilepsy. That is why it is being studied for treating epilepsy and associated neuropsychiatric disorders. So far, scientists have found that CBD oil has anti-seizure properties without side effects. It can also treat neurodegeneration, neuronal injury, and psychiatric diseases that are linked to epilepsy.

In 2015, a comprehensive 6-month study was carried out in which CBD oil was given to children with Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. Seizure decreased by 54-67% for some, while others dropped out of the study because they did not see any difference. A Senate hearing resulted from this study, and the FDA now permits epilepsy centers in the United States to prescribe products containing CBD oil to patients who do not respond to allotropic medication.

  1. Anti-psychotic Effects

CBD has anti-psychotic effects similar to certain prescribed drugs. It is potential treatment for schizophrenia, as has been confirmed by another study that was published in the Current Pharmaceutical Design. Research is ongoing.

  1. Treats and Reverses Cancer

Studies are ongoing on the efficacy of CBD oil as an anti-cancer agent. A review published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology found that CBD oil prevents cancer cells from spreading around the body, can completely prevent cancer cells from invading an area, suppresses the growth of cancer cells and even destroys cancer cells without any toxicity.

  1. Treatment of Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is an auto immune disease in which the immune system attacks tissue cells in the pancreas. A study published in Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation found that CBD oil eases pancreatic inflammation in type 1 diabetes. CBD oil or cannabis might be the type 1 diabetes remedy of the future. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties CBD oil can potentially reduce insulin resistance, the major metabolic problem for people with type 2 diabetes. Research is required.

  1. Treatment of Anxiety Disorders

A review of scientific studies found that CBD oil can effectively reduce anxiety levels in people with:

  • General anxiety disorder.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Panic disorder.
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder.
  • Social anxiety disorder as confirmed by one study.

So far there have been no side effects of CBD oil and the researchers want CBD to be studied as a potential treatment method.

  1. Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases

CBD can reduce inflammation and make neurodegenerative symptoms better in people with Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and stroke. In one study on Alzheimer’s Disease, CBD oil prevented people from losing their ability to recognize faces of acquaintances. This was the first evidence that CBD can potentially prevent Alzheimer’s disease symptoms. More research is required.

  1. Alleviates Problems of the Digestive System

Cannabis is anti-emetic so it can be useful for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and suffering from nausea and vomiting, as confirmed by one study. It is also effective for curing Crohn’s disease. A study done in Israel found that smoking marijuana significantly reduced the symptoms of Crohn’s disease in 10 out of 11 participants. The disease was reversed in 5 of the participants.

  1. Alleviates Arthritis Symptoms

CBD oil can be used as an analgesic for rheumatoid arthritis. It works by reducing pain and inflammation in the joints.

  1. Glaucoma Treatment

Cases of glaucoma can be treated with CBD in its properties as a vasorelaxant. It also reduces pressure that glaucoma puts in the eye and improves vision.

  1. Benefits for the Heart

CBD can help the heart when it acts in its capacity as an anti-ischemic and anti-inflammatory agent. So far, scientists have achieved a 30% increase in blood flow in rodents that had areas of dead tissue in the heart muscle. Research is ongoing.

  1. Strengthens Bones

CBD oil from marijuana stimulates bone growth and strengthens bones especially for people affected by osteoporosis. Rats given CBD supplements by researchers at the University of Tel Aviv, recovered from fractures up to 40% faster than other rats.

  1. Autoimmune Disorders

There is an increase in cases of auto-immune diseases caused by inflammation throughout the world. CBD has proven over and over again that it can reduce inflammation with little or no side effects. It is highly possible that CBD oil is a new remedy for a host of autoimmune diseases that works by moderating the immune response.

  1. Anti-Bacterial Benefits

CBD and all other cannabinoids help the immune system to fight bacteria according to a study carried out at the Italian Piemonte University and published in 2008. The study particularly focused on antibiotic-resistant strains of the Staphylococcus Aureus, good proof of the abuse of antibiotics in the last few decades.

  1. Anti-Inflammatory Benefits

Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, people who suffer from chronic liver inflammations, traumatic and diffuse axonal brain injuries, experimental colitis and rheumatoid arthritis can benefits from CBD oil.

  1. Cachexia and Anorexia

Cachexia is a disorder that develops as a result of dangerous weight loss brought on by diseases such as AIDS, cancer or Alzheimer’s. A study carried out in Germany in 2011 involving more than 100 people found that patients on the placebo lost about 80 percent more weight per week than those given a cannabinoid cocktail. If this can be coupled with the mood-elevating properties of cannabidiol, it can mean future use of CBD oil for the treatment of widespread eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa.

  1. Insomnia Treatment

CBD oil has even been effectively used to safely treat insomnia and anxiety in children with post-traumatic stress disorder.

  1. Anti-Depressant

CBD has shown antidepressant-like effects in a number of animal studies. This effect is linked to CBD’s ability to act on the brain’s receptors for serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that regulates mood and social behavior.

  1. Alleviation of High Blood Pressure

Studies have found that CBD is a natural and very effective remedy for high blood pressure. In one recent study 10 healthy men were given one dose of 600mg of CBD oil and their resting blood pressure went down lower that in those given a placebo. In the same study, the men were given stress tests that normally increase blood pressure. It was found that the single dose of CBD led the men to experience a smaller blood pressure increase than the normal response to these tests. Researchers believe that the stress and anxiety-reducing properties of CBD are the reason for its ability to lower blood pressure.

  1. Marijuana is Safer Than Tobacco and Alcohol

According to the World Health Organisation, tobacco (which is legalized) kills more than 7 million people every year, i.e. half of the tobacco users. The World Health Organisation does not say anything about cannabis, the banned drug, maybe because cannabis does not cause any harm to the lungs. In fact, it improves lung function.

The use of cannabis is also safer than the use of alcohol, which kills 2.8 million people worldwide every year but has always been legal. It is less addictive than alcohol and does not harm physically the way alcohol harms the body.

  1. Acne Treatment

Acne is caused by a number of factors such as inflammation, genetics, bacteria, and over-active sebaceous glands. One study found that CBD oil reduces production of sebum and inflammation.

  1. Spiritual Development

Traditional healers mix marijuana with other herbs and inhale the smoke in order to connect with their higher selves and also to connect to other dimensions. Basically, they feel the ego dissolving and they become different. Generally, users report that they feel amazing after smoking marijuana.

  1. Treatment of ADHD, ADD, etc.

Cannabis is a natural alternative to Ritalin for the treatment of children with ADHD, ADD and other problems.

Dangers of Marijuana

The use of marijuana has no known dangerous effects on health. Moderate amounts of cannabis can lead to reduced ability to think clearly, to make logical decisions and to avoid dangerous situations. Users can lose control and coordination of bodily movements. Many medicinal drugs also have the same effect, therefore as long as cannabis is used for medical purposes, the user must be careful not to drive or operate dangerous machinery.

So far, an 11-month old baby has died as a result of exposure to cannabis smoke. Most adults who overdose on cannabis do not die at all but may experience hallucinations, delusional thinking, paranoia, intense anxiety and panic attacks. Look at this debate on cannabis overdose.

Marijuana is a wonder-herb with innumerable benefits for health. It is not advisable to overdose on it or to use it while working as it can impair brain function. It is advisable to use it only when there is a medical need for it.

How I Improved my Eyesight by Changing My Diet

Posted Posted in Food, General Health

At 56 years old I can see much better than I did when I was 32 years old! It may be the most unusual thing to happen but then everything about my health is better now than it was in my thirties!

As a child I could sit at the back of the classroom and see very well what my teachers wrote on the board. Even as a young adult in college I could see very well both far and near. In my thirties my eyesight started to dim. Gradually I could not read the subtitles on television. Then I could not read the road signs properly when driving. Thankfully my short sight remained excellent. In mid-1998, when I was 32 years old, the eye doctor gave me spectacles to “correct” my vision. When I put on the glasses I could see clearly very far but when I took them off my eyesight appeared to be worse.

I learned that “correcting does not mean improvement of my eyes. It simply means improvement on contact. I wore my glasses for driving only and kept them away the rest of the time. I did not like the glasses but they were a necessary evil. I vowed that one day I would find out how to improve my eyesight.

In 2008 (at the age of 46) I changed my diet experimentally from meat-based to plant-based. I also eliminated wheat products because I had learned that gluten is harmful to health. As a result of the change, within a few months the frequent urinary tract infections ceased, the frequent vaginitis stopped, my feet stopped getting swollen and I had to move down one shoe size. The indigestion, bloating and the constipation also disappeared. I even lost weight even though that was not intended. But that was not all!

There is one thing that I have always forgotten to mention, and that is the fact that my eye sight improved. The improvement in my eyesight was not as dramatic as the disappearance of the other symptoms. It was a slow improvement and I hardly ever noticed it. One day, around 2012, after four years of being vegan, I noticed that I could read well the subtitles on television. The sub-titles were so clear there was no mistaking that my eye sight had improved a lot! I also noticed that actually I needed my glasses less and less for driving and most of the time I forgot about the glasses. The last time I renewed the glasses was in 2007! I still have the 2007 pair which I do not use any more.

Now I am 56 years old and my eye sight is much better than it was when I was 32! It took me a long time to mention this huge improvement because it was gradual and therefore for a long time I could not link it to the change in diet. There is no other explanation because the only thing I ever changed was my diet.

Get a copy of the book Top Secrets of Health!


Why You Need to Detox Every Year

Posted Posted in General Health

Are you aware that you put toxins into your body daily? You do! Actually living without putting toxins into the body is next to impossible in this day and age. Luckily the body has a built-in mechanism to handle toxic overload. Crying, urination, moving the bowels and sweating are all natural ways that the body uses to remove toxins. However, there are just too many toxins and the liver and the kidneys cannot cope with the levels of toxins. The body needs help to sweep toxins out of the body. The liver itself, being a natural organ for detoxifying the body, actually needs to be detoxed in order to function properly.  If these toxins are left to accumulate they will lead to health problems such as headaches, sluggishness and chronic disease.

Here are 5 reasons why you must detoxify regularly.

  1. The food we eat is loaded with chemicals from the farms (weed killers, antibiotics, growth hormones and insecticides) and chemicals from food factories (such as emulsifiers, acidifiers, synthetic colors, taste enhancers, artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners, etc.). Acid-producing foods and beverages are inherently toxic, keeping the liver and the kidneys busy.
  2. The air we breathe is polluted by many different industrial fumes, cleaning chemicals, insecticides, herbicides, and fuel fumes. We breathe in these toxins every second of the day and the body cannot cope.
  3. Our water is polluted by the chemicals sprayed on the farms, home cleaning chemicals, laundry detergents, fabric softeners, industrial chemicals, oil spills, chlorine and fluoride. When we drink that water or bath in it or eat fish, we absorb the chemicals into the body and end up having accumulated toxins in our bodies.
  4. Personal care products contain many harmful chemicals. After we shampoo, condition, bath, shave, apply lotions, cleanse the face, tone the face and apply moisturizer, and apply make up, we have layered dozens of chemicals into the body. Again they accumulate in the body because the natural excretory system cannot cope with the level of toxins.
  5. On a daily basis we absorb radiation emitted by electrical power lines, television, the microwave oven, computers, tablets and mobile phones. Because we do not feel the effects immediately we don’t think about it, but radiation is powerful energy that affects the integrity of our body cells causing cancers and other diseases.
  6. The digestive process, stress hormones, emotional disturbances, and negative thoughts and feelings all create free radicals which affect our health negatively. Unless the free radicals are neutralized by antioxidants, the body suffers from oxidative stress and illness is the result.

With all these toxins continuously accumulating in the body there is need for regular conscious detoxification to remove the unwanted toxins from the body.

How I Solved My Teeth Problems

Posted Posted in General Health, Personal Care Products

Natural Toothpaste

In the 1990s my dentist told me each time I went for cleaning that I was over-brushing my teeth. I could not understand this because I used a soft toothbrush. BY 2002 I had developed sensitive teeth. Now I understood what the dentist meant. I was loosing the dentine on my teeth! Unfortunately, my dentist could not prevent this - the best he did was to tell me what was happening. Secondly my dentist could not solve the sensitive teeth problem. The best he could do was to recommend a toothpaste for sensitive teeth. So for years I used a toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Whenever I travelled and forgot to take it with me, I used a regular toothpaste and within 3 days my teeth were sensitive again.

That is when I learned that the toothpaste for sensitive teeth does not solve the problem. It simply masks the problem. Then in 2016 I learned some scary stuff. Toothpaste contains harmful chemicals. It contains triclosan, a hormone disrupter that also makes bacteria resistant. It contains sodium lauryl sulfate (which interferes with the functioning of the taste buds), aspartame and other artificial sweeteners (that affect the nervous system), fluoride (which affects the endocrine system and the nervous system), diethanolamine or DEA (a known human carcinogen) and propylene glycol (a skin irritant that also inhibits cell growth.

Learning about these harmful effects of commercial toothpaste was enough for me to hunt for a natural alternative. I found OraMD. OraMD is a liquid that is in a small bottle. I use 2-3 drops for brushing my teeth, 2-3 drop for mouthwash and a drop for freshening my breath. OraMD kills germs that cause bad breath and destroy gums, leaving my gums free to repair themselves. Because it is 3-in-1 product, I love the convenience of using it. I also have found that my teeth are no longer sensitive and they are regaining their whiteness, meaning that my dentine is being repaired.

If you want to safely regain your oral health, use OraMD. It works, it is safe and it heals your gums